Discussion Group on Telegram
We are maintaining a focused discussion on Kyrgyzstan (about autism and Autistan) within the Autistan Advisory Council (‘AAC’) private group on Телеграмма.
To join, please follow these steps:
- Send a message to https://t.me/Autistan_Diplomatic_Organization briefly introducing yourself and explaining why you find it useful to participate in this topic.
- Click here to join our ‘AAC’ private group on Telegram: https://t.me/+o4cp5IUteTY3Nzlh
Please note that membership approval may take a few days. - Choose the “🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan (KG)” topic, or click here to go directly to it:
We also have other Discussion Groups or Working Groups on Telegram, in particular for our Embassies of Autistan, but they are inherently more confidential.
Working Group on Autistance.org
Under construction